Last week, Rebecca joined The Down’s Syndrome Association at an event in the House of Commons to raise awareness of their amazing work.
Rebecca commented: "As the Government Whip who ensured the Down’s Syndrome Act became law, I feel quite strongly about promoting this cause. It is important that everyone feels empowered to live a happy, healthy and fulfilled life, including those with Down's Syndrome."
You can find out more about their work raising the quality of life for people with Down’s Syndrome and supporting their right to equality by visiting their website.
Rebecca was pleased to support the passing of the Down's Syndrome Act in 2022. She attended all the debate in the House of Commons to vote in support of the Bill which focuses on improving the lives of those living with Down syndrome. This is now in law.
This Act was introduced as a Private Member’s Bill by Conservative MP Dr Liam Fox. The Act benefits some of the 47,000 people in the UK with Down syndrome, by requiring that a number of authorities when providing certain health, social care, education and housing services, to take account of new Government guidance. The guidance sets out the steps to meet the specific needs of people with Down syndrome. These authorities also need to take account of the specific needs of people with Down syndrome when planning, designing and providing services and support.
If you are looking for local support and initiatives for individuals with Down's Syndrome, some include:
- 'Upwards with Down's', an Essex-based charity that holds events and support groups for people with Down's
- 'Extra 21', an Essex charity that seeks to provide equal opportunities and social groups for people with Down's Syndrome and their carers
- Hadleigh Salvation Army Farm, provides specialist opportunities for work for adults with learning disabilities
- 'Soccability', an inclusive FA-affiliated football league for youth and adult players with disabilities, located in Thundersley